Tear Stains
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Tear Stains

Minimizing Tear Stains on Yorkshire Terriers

Although it is natural for most Yorkshire terriers to have a bit of tearing from their eyes, if it is extreme, the result is not only unattractive but also uncomfortable for the dog. There are ways to minimize tear stains making the Yorkie look and feel better. When your Yorkshire terrier's eyes tear too much, the resulting damp hair under its eyes becomes a prime breeding ground for yeast and bacterial growth. This dampness results in reddish-brown stains. [...]

Crying and Tearing In Dogs

There are many breeds that are prone to excessive tear production just as some breeds are more prone to dry eye conditions and lack of tear production. Either condition can be a direct result of injury, genetic conditions or infections to the eyes that are inhibiting or stimulating the tear gland functioning.In cases where excessive tearing is noted there are usually both genetic and health factors at work. In breeds such as the Maltese, Miniature Poodle, Yorkshire Terrier, Shar Pei, Pomeranian and American Cocker Spaniel excessive tear formation, also known as epiphora, is very common. In white and light colored dogs the result may be a reddish stain down the muzzle from the eyes, typically known as red yeast stain. In darker colored the dogs the tear stain may be much less noticeable, but there may be a slightly yeasty or dank smell about the head of the dog. [...]

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