kidney stones
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Kidney Stones

Kidney Stones in Dogs

Kidney stones in dogs, just like in humans, can be very painful and can lead to serious health issues if not treated. While some breeds may be predisposed to inherit the ability to create kidney stones, there are a certain number of factors that if combined could cause kidney stones to form in any dog. In this article, we'll look at what kidney stones are and how they form, what their symptoms are and how they can be treated. [h]What are kidney stones?[/h] Dogs, just like humans, naturally have minerals in their bodies, such as calcium, magnesium, ammonia or phosphorus. Where there is too much of these mineral salts in the urine, they are filtered out through the kidneys. Because it can be difficult for these minerals to be soluble in the naturally acidic urine of dogs, these minerals can form stones. [...]

Cystinuria and Kidney Stones In Dogs

We have all heard of how excruciatingly painful kidney stones are in humans, imagine how painful and frightening this condition must be to a dog that cannot explain what he or she is feeling. Cystinuria is a congenital genetic defect, which means that puppies are born with the condition but it may not become developed until the puppies mature. That is not to say the puppies may not have trouble with kidney stones even at a young age, it will vary greatly from dog to dog. Factors such as overall health, other presenting genetic or congenital problems or even kidney and bladder infections can make this situation more problematic at younger ages. Breeds that are known to have problems with kidney stones include Scottish Deerhounds, Mastiffs, Newfoundlands, Boxers, Cairn Terriers, Corgis and Labrador Retrievers. [...]

Understanding Urinary Tract Problems In Dogs

There are many different causes of urinary tract problems in dogs, both male and female. Some are caused by painful and irritating bladder and kidney infections and problems while others are caused by disease or even medications reacting on the urinary tract. The good news is that most urinary tract problems in dogs can be treated with a bit of management and common sense, as well as careful monitoring and regular vet check ups if you have any concerns. The first and most important point to consider is that excessive urination is a sign of many different types of problems ranging from distemper to diabetes and even to marking behaviors that are hormonally driven. Since true urinary tract problems are not behavioral but are either caused by a disease, injury or congenital problem the hormonal problems with urination will not be discussed in this article. [...]

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