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Barney, we don't know how to go on without you!

Barney was a good dog, a loyal dog, and a friend, he protected my family when in need, in fact he even saved our lives, Im now 19 and had him since I was 5, It's been very hard to deal with him gone, knowning when I come home he wont be there, I know he was in pain, but I just wish he could of stayed....I dont know how to stop crying, this is just so hard. I love you barney, always and forever....

My best friend closed his eyes last night,
As his head was in my hand.
The Doctors said he was in pain,
And it was hard for him to stand.

The thoughts that scurried through my head,
As I cradled him in my arms.
Were of his younger, puppy years,
And OH...his many charms.

Today, there was no gentle nudge
With an intense "I love you gaze",
Only a heart thats filled with tears
Remembering our joy filled days.

But an Angel just appeared to me,
And he said, "you should cry no more,
GOD also loves our canine friends,
HE's installed a "doggy-door"!

Jan Cooper
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