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Ch'ong Along

My boo, boo baby. I had to add more from the original tribute because I miss you so much. It's really been hard to sleep since you left, your snoring was so loud, I truly miss it. I am sorry baby that the vet's couldn't do anything to help
you. It just took too long to find out until we found the specialist by then lymphoma hit all your lymph nodes, you were just so sick. I never wanted to let you go, but really darling I didn't, you are present with Ch'ing Aling and me all the time. In your beautiful urn with your gorgeous Shih Tzu (even looks like you). Darling, I miss you so much, April 13, 2007 will be one year since you left.

We'll see you on the other side my love,
Mommy, daddy and Ch'ing Aling
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