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Why did u have to go?

To the sweetest, most caring, cutest dog I have ever had! To this day i still ask you many questions. Why did u have to die at the young age of 1 year? Why did that mean old truck driver have to be not paying attention? Why did i have to watch you go? Why cant i get your beautiful brown eyes staring up at me when i wake up every morning? Everyone will miss your fluffy blonde hair that got all over the couch and made my mom mad! I still have your favorite ball that you chewed up after my best friend gave it to and i got mad at you. I will always love you with all my heart Buddy and i will see you when i cross over to the other side.
In loving memory of Buddy
Remember me Buddy
I love you
Shaundra, Buddy you remember me by Shauni

P.S. I will never be able to look at another Golden Retriever without thinking of you
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