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My Kitchen Cat is Gone :(

JoJo was my Aunt's cat, but he liked me more than anybody. My sister was always jealous of that. When I slept over at my aunt's house I would always sit on the floor, never on the couches. JoJo would come and sit on me or curl up besides me. Escpecially when I went into the kitchen I would sit in the middle of the floor and wait with JoJo for my food. My sister would take him and he would sit on her lap for 10 seconds, then crawl back onto mine.DOn't get me wrong he liked other people, but I was his favorite. At thanksgiving we would go to my Aunt Terry's, that's JoJo's owner. He always stook by my side, and when things got hectic, like when the football game was on, I would hold him, or he'd climb onto me. Then he got old, and my Aunt decided to give him away, she probably didn't want to be with him when he died, even though he was a good cat she loved him too much. SO though nobody told me he is dead I know he is. I love you JoJo.
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