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COOKIE Born 4/20/98 Died 11/29/06

I could not believe your beauty, when I first saw you.
A puff of white fur, only ten weeks old.
So cute and playful, you would waddle like a ball.
I watched you grow medium size and strong,
Your funny antics roused laughter,
To our family a joy.
You fit in so perfectly,
I could not ask for more.
We grew to love you, oh so deeply
My sweet Cookie, why did you leave me.
I have so many wonderful memories that I will never forget.
Remember our walks and being on the porch.
You loved the porch, our home and us.
We love you Cookie, you're deep in our hearts.
I wish I can turn the clock back and make you return.
I don't have the power, it's all in gods hands.
But, no one can take away my loving memories of you.
You left all your toys and belongings behind.
I'm having a great deal of difficulty seeing your things,
Without you here, they look lonely and lost,
just like me.
I miss you so, my heart is breaking
Please little one, rest in peace.
You were only a few months past eight years
You should not have sickened and died.
It was a grave error in judgement,
Please forgive me and the doctor.
With some help, maybe we can prevent this from happening to other pets.
Unnecessary vaccinations should be a thing of the past.
You will not have died in vain if we can bring attention to this.
We will always remember you,
Coo Coo, my pet name for you.
The house feels cold and empty and never any fun.
You filled this house with joyous times, now all gone.
Your barking was loud, Please can I hear it again?
Oh how I miss you Cookie,
My friend, my child.
My love goes deep, I will never forget you.
Mom, Dad, Kim, Steve and Grandma,
We love you.
Your favorite toys are in the window, looking for you.
Booda, Mr. Pineapple, baby Booda and Moose.
I will keep those toys and some of your belongings, for as long as I live.
They not only brought joy to you, but to me.
Seeing you play happily with your toys was a gift.
It makes me smile, I will never forget you.

In loving memory of my beautiful American Eskimo, Cookie Newman. Your loss brings me great sadness. In time, I will heal and then smile at the special bond we had.
I love you, your Mommy.

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