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My sweet little

You came into my life as a beautiful little puppy, two months old. You chose me. We had almost nine years of your love and companionship. You made us whole. We miss the ways you would guard your food dish, even when you weren't hungry. I could say :Buddy it's time for bed" and you where the first one on the bed. And buddy "what do you do for your mama?" when I had a treat for you and you would lay down and roll over. Every time I would talk to you, you would look straight into my eyes like you knew exactly what I was saying. When I was sad you would sit with me and always make me feel better. You where the most beautiful dog inside and out. You will be greatly missed by me (your mama) and your dad, and your brother Max (the chow). You two where inseperable. He is not quite sure what to do now without you to play with. Everytime we say your name his ears perk up and he looks for you. I still feel you at my feet and that comforts me. I see you everywhere. I had a dream the night before you passed and you where a younger pup running with the wind. There is one song that when I hear it makes me think of you. "one more day, one more sunset I'd be satisfied, but then again I know what it would do, leave me wishing still one more day with you" I miss you so much, but I know you couldn't stay, I just wanted you to know how much you touched our lives and how deeply you will be missed.
I love you buddy!!
You will forever be in my heart
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