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my little boy and best friend

I got you from the pound you wre so soft and silent curled up in a little ball with the rest of your brothers and sisters,bnut when I got you into my car that angel had turned into a devil but I loved you anyways.you were so full of life and love and hugs and kisses until one day there was one human you found that you hated more than life it's self and chased him down cornering him.Did he tease you did he hit you?I wish I could have known so I could have saved you but in the end the same people who gave you to me were forced to take you from me and remove a beautiful creature as yourself from this world.I know you are in heaven smiling down.no more people to hurt you or drive you crazy as I also know you are running with nana,uncle jer and mom watch over them as you did us.Until we meet again next time....I will love you and remember you always Hooch.
love shannon
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