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Tia- My brown puppy dog-aka-TT monster

It has been 4 years ago today. Sometimes it seems like a lifetime ago. You would be 9 years old now. We were a great dog, except for that one thing, we forgive you now. That really changed our lives forever. It has been rough trying to get over what you did, and the lose of you. Ryan still loves you though and its forgiveness that kept him the same. Scooby misses you too!!! You are in all of our home videos the first years of our childs life. We will never forget you. I took out your ashes last night. I have your little brown bear and even your baby teeth. We have since moved and I know you would have loved this yard. I have faith that you are at the rainbow bridge with the rest of my animals that have passed. I'll be looking for you there one day!!! Every time I see a brown lab I think of you!!! We love you and always will! Momma, Daddy, and Ryan (the baby)!!!

***This pic is of your Buddy Scooby-doo, he's 10 now! Maybe next year on the 5th anniversary, I will have a printer-scanner and can put up a pic of you. Since back then I didn't have a digital cam. All of your pics are not on the computer.
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