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Miss you my Hollie Dog!

May 12th 2008 I had to put my lil dog to sleep due to cancer. I had her 16 yrs, she was a cute lil cockapoo terrier mix, and she has seen the world! She grew up with my 10 kids, and my 48 foster kids. She was a very sweet lil girl, and loved to go for walks, car rides, and traveled in a semi truck even. Now I had her creamated so that we could be close, I am content with her being on my night stand, and have not thought about another dog as of yet.
I did keep all her toys, blankets her first hair cut, and teeth as she was growing up. She has her own baby book and all her Holidays were good too, she always had her Christmas with the kids and Easter. She was always glad to open her gifts herself, and she knew which presents were hers, she would only go under the tree at night and get hers out, we would have to rewrap them hahaha but she never was scolded never hit, and if she made an accident on the floor we all cleaned up after her, she was one spoiled puppy! We got her the day after Christmas, she was a suprize for my 10 yr old daughter. She was sooooo happy to get her, She was truely loved! We all miss her very much.
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