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Dan, the black pommie

He was tied to a barrell in the woods for seven years at a michigan puppy mill. Through rain, and snow, hot and cold, he held on to something.
I foud him listed and drove fours hours to pay $300 dollars for a dog that bit me over 400 times in the shot time I had him. I shaved his matts, fed him gourmet food, loved him as close as he could let me. The night I woke up on the couch and looked up to find him sleeping at my head was a night I'LL NEVER FORGET.He came close to me. He finally knew I wasn't gona let him go. Just one month later he died from a seizure. I still think I could've done more, but this man changed my life forever. I'll always love you my little dan, my black pommie, my inspiration.
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