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Goodbye To A Friend

They say that the hardest thing in this world is to live in it but I think that’s wrong. The hardest thing by far is having to say goodbye to a loved one, be it a friend, a parent, a sibling or yes, even a pet.
Today was the worst day of my life, so far. I had to put my beloved, Lady Sebastian, my German Shepherd /Husky to sleep. She has been a vital part of my family for almost 13 years.
I have been crying almost non stop for hours pausing briefly to remember all the wonderful times we shared. She used to love the long walks on the beach, chasing seagulls, riding around town in a convertible and barking at the passersby with dogs that had to walk, barking at cows or horses as we drove through Norco. At one point we had this big Dodge van that we would roll the window down on & she would jump in so she could go for a ride. She could climb 8 foot fences, unlock & open doors, she would take her paw & move the volume button & turn up the stereo when her favorite song “Lady In Waiting” by Anything Box came on. She would bring us her leash whenever she wanted to go for a ride. And if we didn’t pay attention to her she would drop the leash at our feet, bark & then pick it up and throw it at us. In the winter she would climb into bed with me and steal all of the covers. She would chase after airplanes and birds as if she thought she could catch them. She brought so much love and happiness to our lives. And now it’s over.
My mom, my cousin & I all sat in the Vets office and watched through tears as the needle went in her flesh. She let out a small whimper, laid her head on my shoulder and went to sleep. That was the saddest moment of my life. I hope she can forgive me for not fighting to keep her alive. I know she is in a better place and I know that God was there to meet her but I miss her so much. My heart aches. I feel numb. I can’t believe she’s gone.
We have decided not to get another dog. It’s just too hard to go through the agony of letting go. I mean I would never trade a single day I had with Lady but is 13 years of love & laughter really worth one moment of devastation? I’m not so sure. Besides, I would feel like I am betraying a loyal friend and companion.
I have had many dogs in my life, but none have ever or could ever compare to Lady Sebastian. I have never loved a dog more, than my little Lady baby. Rest in Peace, my love.
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