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Ms. Fancy P.......my most beloved friend forever

Ms. Fancy P. 8.20.95 - 5.31.08.

Fancy was my most beloved friend and I will miss her forever. She was a shelter dog and a mutt. She was the best dog I ever had. I adopted her at 6 weeks, had to feed her and nurse her to health. She had that something special that will forever be in my heart. I have had many dogs, but none this special to me. She was that once in a life time puppy that I will miss until my dying day. Please know you are missed my dear Fancy. Fancy was reddish in color and the most beautiful baby. As my Ms. Fancy used to say: Fancy is as Fancy does....this is a saying that I will take with me through out my life and beyond. I miss you Ms. Fancy and I loved you more than most could ever imagine. Goodbye my dear baby girl..mommy. Rest in peace my dear girl.
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