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We miss you, Nala

Your sweet, loving spirit is missed in our home today, Nala. I'm sorry we couldn't all be there when you passed, but I am so thankful that Aaron was able to hold you in your final moments. Please know that letting you go was the hardest thing we've had to do, but after 14 years, we knew you were in pain. It would have been selfish of us to keep you here. You taught us so much about unconditional love. We grew up as a family throughout your life. Even though the baby may not remember you, all the rest of the kids miss you terribly and are so thankful you were our dog. I hope Fran welcomed you in Heaven. She loved you so much. I pray you are happy and healthy and free. I can't wait until I can hug you again. Know that we love you and miss you. You are a part of our eternal family. Enjoy your time and keep an eye open for us. We'll see you again one day. Thank you for everything, but most of all, for being our dog and loving us every day of your life.
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