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I Miss You My LuLu

I couldn't say good bye to you or kiss you. I love you so much. You were my baby girl. You would make my heart melt. I will miss looking into your honey eyes. You would always jump for joy for me. I'm sorry I couldn't take care of you more. When I saw you on the ground I fell down to my knees it felt someone had pull out my heart. My proud and joy My Lulu. I couldn't pick you off the ground it hurt so much see you that way. You look like if you were sleeping. I wanted to wake you but you were gone. Your body was still warm. Some horrible person took you way from me. A careless person who has no heart. I buried you in back yard that day next to your mother and brother. I know you are in a better place now. I miss you so Much my Lulu. I will always love you with a lots of love your mama.
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