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Remember when:
-Mommie and nick were arguing in nicks room nd Jasmine came and chewed on a tosie roll and u went nd ate it and mommie thought u were eating a piece of crap! nd she was like "N0o0o0o0o0o0o Spit that out! ND Jasmine was in ht eback laughing. lol good times good times

-When oscar first stared coming to the house and you used to bite his leg whenever he left! lol

-When we first got you and mommie went to go get the food for you and toys and stuff like that and daddie was washing his carand jasmine had to watch you: u were so tiny! and you took a dump everywhere! it was so cute tho.

-When you were just a puppy and you were all white and it was snowing outside and we threw u in the snow and you disapeared. lol.

-When you got lost when we lived on Banta and we were going crazii and every one was crying and then mommie picked u up at the Bergen county Shelter.

-OR when our cats Missy & Hope had babies and u watched them and babysat when ever u were needed. U were a great UNCLE! ily.

U r forever loved & and not forgotten, and although we are getting a new puppy does not mean you will ever be replaced.

Ur the best!
We miss u GUMBO!
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