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Loving you Gracie

I was really young when we first got Gracie. We got her from the pound the day before she was going to be put to sleep because she'd been there to long. I was 1 or 2 when she first came home. A beagle,lab,something mix. so perfect and fun. I her around like a horse.One day when we got home from chruch Gracie was sick. We took her to the vet that day. They said she had cancer and that they could do something but she'd be in pain. The next day My dad and I took her for her last walk. She could hardly walk.I hugged and kissed her. We took her to the vet and as I stood there and held her little body in my arms she was put to sleep. That night my dad buried her in the back yard. I was 6. My mom asked me if I wanted to go out and say one last good bye to Gracie. But I was so sad already I said no. I forever wished I had gone and gotten that last little closing. I love you Gracie, I hope you knew that at the end. I Love you Girly,I love you.
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