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For Sale

Is a Skye Terrier Right for You?

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1.5 of 5 Paws Rating
Tags: Skye Terrier, Hunting Dog, Guard Dog, Service Dogs

Toy & Teacup Baby Yorkies


$750 +

Brooklyn, NY

Yorkshire Terrier

Skye terriers have their own unique personalities. As a breed they are actually hard to put a pinpoint of breed trait labels on because so many of them defy their traditional labels. This breed has a long history of status as both a working dog and a pet. Sometimes they have been both within the same household. They are great for hunting small game such as foxes. They also make loyal companions for the humans they chose often merely toleration other humans.

The Good

Skye Terriers are a great breed in many households. They do not require quite the constant level of care and attention that other breeds, especially within the terrier line, might require. They are often content to be "lap dogs" without continuous outings for play and to run off energy. Keep in mind that there are exceptions to every rule when it comes to Skye terriers but for the most part they are rather calm compared to the Jack Russell.

These puppies are good for hunters and runners. They were bred to hunt foxes back in the day and it's a trait that hasn't really been bred out of them. If you are looking for a great running partner or hunting buddy, the Skye Terrier is a great choice. Of course, they are also great for those who prefer a more sedate existence. These dogs are pretty easy to please when it comes to activity levels.

The loyalty and protectiveness of this breed makes it an excellent choice for families with children. It is best if you introduce the puppy to children when it is very young than when older but the Skye Terrier breed makes excellent family pets.

The Not so Good

Be forewarned however, that many Skye Terriers have a mind of their own and may give a little bit of trouble in the control department. They want to be the kings of their castle (perhaps it goes back to being the pets of nobility so long ago) so if you are not equally stubborn and willing to be consistent with training these puppies chances are good that this is not going to be your dream dog.

Skye Terriers make excellent watchdogs. However, this can be a two edged sword as they are not really sociable dogs by nature. If you plan to do a lot of entertaining their poor attitude towards strangers might prove to be a hindrance. If you want protection for your home and a deterrent for intruders then by all means this is a great addition.

Did I mention the hair? Most women understand bad hair days but most of us prefer to wear hair on our heads and not our carpet, furniture, and clothes. These beautiful dogs require constant grooming to avoid dropping hair literally everywhere.

All Things Considered

If you are looking for a loyal addition to your family and manage to find a Skye Terrier that is on the market and works with your own personality quirks and needs in a pet they can make for extremely loyal additions to your family. You must however, have the strength of character to rule the roost or this dog will walk all over you and that isn't a great situation for a pet owner.

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Is a Skye Terrier Right for You?
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