Skye Terrier
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Skye Terrier

Choosing a Skye Terrier Puppy

Selecting a Skye terrier puppy can be an exciting proposition but take care that you do not throw caution to the wind and choose the wrong puppy for your family. Puppies have personalities just like people. In addition to various breed traits that are common to all Skye terrier puppies each puppy will have its very own temperament that is unique to that puppy and have a huge impact on how well the puppy in question fits with the lifestyle of you and your family. [...]

Showing Skye Terriers

There are very few experiences that can be shared between a dog and an owner that will have quite the profound impact upon the relationship as showing your Skye Terrier will have. Showing any dog can be a stressful event. Showing a dog that is headstrong and has natural tendencies to be aggressive to strange people and animals adds another level to the insanity. This isn't meant to discourage you from showing your Skye Terrier only to paint a fairly accurate picture of some of the challenges that await you. [...]

Is a Skye Terrier Right for You?

Skye terriers have their own unique personalities. As a breed they are actually hard to put a pinpoint of breed trait labels on because so many of them defy their traditional labels. This breed has a long history of status as both a working dog and a pet. Sometimes they have been both within the same household. They are great for hunting small game such as foxes. They also make loyal companions for the humans they chose often merely toleration other humans. [...]

How to Discipline Skye Terriers

Discipline with animals is just as unique a process as disciplining children. It is highly unlikely that the exact same methods of discipline will work with all Skye Terriers. Of course, this is not the only similarity between disciplining the Skye Terrier and disciplining children. Dogs are pack animals and when you invite one into your home, particularly a strong willed breed like the Skye Terrier he is going to struggle or challenge you for top spot on the totem pole. Children also struggle with parents as they grow and want to exert some form of independence. Your dog doesn't want to be separate from you he just wants to be in charge. [...]

Socialization Challenges of the Skye Terrier

The Skye Terrier is a beautiful dog that looks like the perfect companion or lap dog for many people. In fact, the cute exterior and small frame of this particular breed makes it a popular choice. This is especially true when combined with the fact that Skye Terriers are generally a little more docile with their owners than many of their cousin terriers. Looks, however, are often deceiving and the Skye Terrier isn't a warm fuzzy dog for those who have a lot of guests. In fact, the resistance of this breed to strange people coupled with their aggressiveness to other animals (this is a hunting breed) makes it a poor choice for those who are looking for a sociable dog to add to their households. The news isn't all bad however and if you are willing to be consistent and work with your terrier you will find that they can be socialized, albeit cautiously, with other people and animals. [...]

Introducing a New Pet to Your Skye Terrier

Bringing a new puppy into the family with a Skye Terrier can be a trying time for all. It is important to remember that the reactions of your Skye to the new puppy may be much more involved than you realize. You should protect the new puppy from potential harm from the Skye but you need to allow them to establish a natural order for doing things as well. Dogs in general but Skyes in particular are pack animals and need the structure of a pack in order to know their places and be happy. Whenever a new person or animal is brought into the pack there are going to be moments when your Skye is going to make his bid for dominance in the pecking order. You need to have rules and enforce the rules but you also need to allow the new puppy to learn its place in the hierarchy as well as your Skye. [...]

Keeping Your Skye Terrier Healthy

Your hope is that your Skye Terrier will be with you and your family for many years. In order to achieve this goal there are certain steps that can be taken to insure that your Skye is as healthy as possible for as long as possible. For best results, begin your care for your Skye before you select your Skye and bring her home. [h]It's All in the Genes[/h] Genetics are often an excellent indicator of life expectancy, susceptibility and predispositions for certain breed traits, and other indicators of overall health and well-being. Make sure the breeder you are working with has and provides a full history of heritage for your Skye as well as any medical issues that might affect your Skye. Prevention is the best cure but diligent care and concern for certain conditions can lead to early discovery and treatment if there is a history within the bloodline. [...]

Housebreaking the Skye Terrier

There are many struggles you will have when raising your Skye Terrier. Surprisingly, housebreaking isn't typically one of the bigger struggles you will encounter. In fact, if you take proactive steps from day one to insure that your Skye will not want to make a mess or a wet spot in your home, you may never experience the struggles that puppy owners love to tell tall tales about. There are essentially two options for successfully housebreaking a Skye Terrier puppy of bringing outdoor activities into your home. The first option is often the simplest for owners physically for the purpose of housebreaking the Skyes but quite difficult emotionally. This would be crate training your Skye. There are those that think this is cruel and harsh and others that swear by the fact that puppies enjoy the security of their crates once they grow accustomed to them and like having a 'room' of their own. [...]

Introducing a New Baby to Your Skye Terrier

A new member of the pack is rarely easy on a dog. This is especially true of breeds such as Skye Terriers that are very picky about the people and animals they associate with. There are some things you can do however, that will make the transition a little bit easier for everyone involved. [h]Begin Preparing Early[/h] Babies bring new equipment, new scents, and new noises into the home. While you can't easily prepare your Skye for everything before the big day arrives you can begin bringing in the new baby equipment, establishing boundaries for toys (Skyes love teddy bears), and playing the music that will be commonly heard around the house. Another way to prepare your Skye for the new sounds is to get a recording of a baby crying and play it over and over again. This is a sound the Skye needs to be accustomed to and not alarmed by. [...]

Weird Facts Did You Know?

Did you know that the most important requirement for owners of Skye Terriers is a sense of humor? These dogs will test your will, test your resolve, and test your love. If you can laugh at your own expense and manage not to pull out your own hair, or your Skye's hair, then you are a great candidate. There are many interesting tidbits of information concerning the Skye Terrier but one that most people find infinitely fascinating is that it is believed that Queen Victoria may have had an impact on the prevalence of prick eared Skye Terriers as they were a favorite of hers despite the fact that the drop eared variety had been more prevalent previously. [...]

Stories Of Canine Loyalty

It is overwhelming to think of the love and loyalty that dogs routinely give their owners, often without the human giving it a second thought. They are always there to greet you when you come home from work, happy to go for a walk no matter what the weather and willing to sit and listen to your problems without judging. While all dogs that are treated well by their owners provide loyalty, there are some dogs that have become legends based on their love and loyalty to their owner or family. Some are fictional dogs that are so well known they seem to be real such as Lassie and Rin Tin Tin, but others are real dogs that have left their mark in history for their devotion. Some dogs such as the famous Balto have become legends because of their outstanding heart and performance. Balto is the lead dog on the sled team that brought the diphtheria medication to Nome, Alaska, thereby preventing a huge epidemic from spreading throughout the North in 1925. Other dogs are known for their love of one person whom they remained loyal to even after death. [...]

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