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Bedlington Terriers

Aliases: Rothbury Terrier, Rodbery Terrier

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Bedlington Terrier Articles

Feeding the Bedlington Terrier Properly

When it comes to feeding the lively Bedlington Terrier, it is important to make sure their diet has a good balance of nutrients to support their agile, multi purpose frame. Part guard dog, running dog and swimming dog, the Bedlington needs a blend of carbohydrates and protein to keep their brains alert and muscles strong. A moderate fat level will help support their curly coat and keep their skin problem free. It is also commonly noted that the breed is one that absolutely must have a low copper diet. They should not even be allowed to drink water from taps that use copper plumbing. The Bedlington's need for less copper stems from the lack of a certain protein required to fully process the mineral in the body. Referred to as copper toxicosis, it has been found that when the breed gathers an excess of copper in its bloodstream, the toxicity settles in the liver and begins killing red blood cells one by one. When it is caught in time, copper chelation medication is often prescribed in order to flush out toxins via the kidneys. Without intervention, the Bedlington can see its life cut short to a mere two years. [...]

Fitting names for the Bedlington Terrier

From physical traits to personality and mannerisms, a Bedlington Terrier's name can be inspired by any number of things. Known for their distinctive head shape that is commonly compared to that of a lamb, they can give off a gentle and placid vibe. That is, until the spunky terrier is aroused in them. They are a versatile breed that is right at home swimming, running and keeping the peace next to their owner's side. Many Bedlington owners enjoy the breed because they put their heart into everything they do. Names that represent the breed's vitality, agility, and gentle look are easy to come by. Quality names that represent the various physical attributes of the Bedlington Terrier can be as follows: [...]

What Not to Expect from a Bedlington Terrier

Misconceptions are a common occurrence with just about every breed of dog in the canine world. Looking at the Bedlington Terrier, the most commonly noted attribute is their lamblike appearance. They are strong but slender and their curly coat gives them a softer appearance. This leads many to believe they are a gentle breed, docile and unassuming. Though this is true to a certain extent, the Bedlington shall always carry the feisty traits that come with being a terrier. Obedient as they can be, these former pit dogs do not back down from a challenge and have been known to fight to the death. Curly haired dogs are often considered perfect for those with allergies or those who want a dog with a problem free coat that does not shed. While the curly coat of the Bedlington sheds very little, daily brushing will be required to keep it in good condition and prevent matting. An occasional stripping is still required over the course of a general coat care routine. [...]

Bedlington Terrier Ownership Myths

For the unfortunate individual who loves dogs but not the wheezing and the puffy eyes that come with allergies to pet dander, curly haired breeds like the Bedlington are usually a first choice. Dogs that have curly hair tend to shed less or not at all and require little in the way of grooming. However, while some individuals are allergic to dog hair, a majority of allergy sufferers are actually allergic to pet dander and dog saliva. The dander of an animal refers to the small flakes of dead skin that can get lodged in carpeting, furniture or bed linens. Because dogs often lick their fur, it is very easy to come in contact with their saliva. For these reasons, the Bedlington Terrier has been moved off of the allergy free list to being categorized as a low dander breed. [...]

Top Activity Choices for the Bedlington Terrier

It is commonly believed that somewhere in the history of the Bedlington Terrier, the Greyhound and the Whippet make their appearance. This is based largely on the breed's arched back, a trademark characteristic seen in the two sighthounds. The only difference is in the Bedlingtons front legs that are perfectly developed for turning on a dime at high speeds. This has made the Bedlington an absolute ideal choice for agility course training and field trials. On top of their physical aptness for the activity, it provides the perfect amount of mental stimulations that keeps the Bedlington at its best. Working breed dogs are happiest when they are given a specific job to do and the Bedlington is no different. Along with agility training, years as a baiting dog have made the Bedlington a perfect candidate for earth dog competitions. Earth dog competitions are events that put a dog's basic skills and instincts to the test. [...]

Where the Bedlington Terrier is Happiest

The happy Bedlington Terrier is the one that never runs out of anything to do. They were bred for work and they will always expect that there be a task somewhere that needs their expertise. If not, they are likely to become high strung and snappish. As with all dogs, anxiety can also result in loud barking, chewing or digging. A satisfied Bedlington is well mannered, calm and feels no need to be the center of attention. Though they are somewhat small, they never hesitate to take on the largest task. The breed was once used for everything from pit fighting to water retrieving; therefore, there is very little they won't take on. Though they love being outdoors, a happy Bedlington does best in an indoor environment. They are an independent minded animal that has no problems fending for themselves but only at times when they are not being included as part of the family; something they will expect just on general principle. [...]

Bedlington Terriers and Children

One of the most common things people want to know about a dog breed is their behavior when it comes to children. While the Bedlington terrier does well with children for the most part, there are some aspects that will need some special attention. The Bedlington is a high energy breed and sometimes children are the only one who can keep up with them. At the same time, children who have not been taught how to properly treat a dog can find themselves on the end of a harsh reprimand from their Bedlington. They are far from vicious but do have firm boundaries about how they like and don't like to be approached. Bred for pit fighting and baiting, the Bedlington was a masterful opponent that rarely lost any battles. As the Bedlington's quarry became more and more threatened, the stronger it would fight. Because of this, it is a natural instinct for the Bedlington to inflict pain when it feels pain. It is not uncommon for the Bedlington to resort to a defensive reaction, or a sudden nip, when it is accidentally caught off guard and has its paw stepped on. [...]

When a Bedlington Terrier is Not a Good Fit

Even for all their devotion and companionship, there are times when a Bedlington Terrier turns out to be the wrong choice. Whether it is a matter of too many animals in the home or a conflict of personalities, owners can rest assured there are several options for finding their Bedlington a safe new residence. As it has been found by some, the Bedlington is not a good fit for everyone. Although this can happen with any breed of dog, it is simply a kindness to ensure a dog is matched up in a welcoming and appropriate home. It ensures a happier life for the Bedlington and can keep them in overall good health. When dogs and owners run into problems adjusting to each other, it is usually miscommunication that is at the center of the conflict. Sometimes consulting a professional dog trainer can help an owner understand how to communicate effectively with their Bedlington. [...]

What to Look for When Choosing a Bedlington Terrier

As the Bedlington Terrier is not a particularly common breed, it can be rather difficult to tell what to look for when it comes time to pick one out. For the most part, the breed looks like a small lamb; but there are special traits that should and should not be found on a Bedlington. While determining these things can be very important if one is looking to breed their dog, they are also important to ensure that the dog will not have any severe health problems in the future. From stance, to head shape, to its curly coat, all have a certain characteristics that make a Bedlington Terrier a Bedlington Terrier. The most striking characteristic of the Bedlington Terrier is its distinctive head. Unlike other dog breeds that have a muzzle, the line from their nose to their forehead remains completely unbroken giving the Bedlington its lamblike appearance. Just as much, the head should remain uniform and slender with no heavy cheeks or jowls. [...]

Bedlington Terrier Weird Facts/Did You Know?

Aside from the Airedale, the look of the Bedlington Terrier sets it far apart from almost any other breed of dog. Many never stop to think how the curly coat has so helpfully served the Bedlington. The breed's distinctive topknot served not only as their most unique feature but also as a deterrent when it came to dealing with rats and other vermin. Once the Bedlington used its speed and quick reflexes to corner their quarry, the paws of the prey gathered in the dog's jaws were likely to get tangled in the hair, keeping the Bedlington's eyes safe from harm. It is commonly known that the Bedlington Terrier lacks the protein that processes copper in their internal systems. This inability typically has them on low copper diets for their entire lifespan. However, were it not for the Bedlington's contribution scientists would have never had as much luck discovering how red blood cells form in the canine body. [...]

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