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Family Breeds

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Chihuahua Temperament, Family Adaptability

Chihuahuas are loyal dogs that usually prefer one to two masters. They are noted for their fierce personalities. They are said to be high strung and not a good breed to introduce to children. But with proper training and socialization, a Chihuahua can learn to adapt to just about any environment. [h]Chihuahuas and Children[/h] Chihuahuas tend to be nervous by nature and may bite at the slightest provocation. Chihuahuas are not recommended for households with children under the age of 12. [...]

Are Pug Dogs Good Family Dogs? Do Children And Pugs Mix?

No family is complete without a dog, but what do your children have to know to make sure that having a dog, a pug specifically, will be a successful venture? Children need to learn to make sure that your pug has food and fresh water every day, gets plenty of exercise, has regular times to go outside for potty breaks, needs to be treated well, and does not have access to anything he can chew up. This article will look at how children can learn to mix well with pugs. [...]

Are Toy Poodles Good Family Dogs? Do Toy Poodles Go Along With Kids?

In order to be a good family dog, a dog must get along with all the others members of the family unit. In the case of toy poodles we must ask first if they are good family dogs and then if they get along with kids. This article will cover both these topics. [h]The Family Dog[/h] Toy Poodles, in general, make good pets. They enjoy spending time outdoors but would rather be inside getting attention from their owners. This versatility is helpful when you want a dog that will both play outside when you feel like getting some fresh air and stay inside when you just want some four legged company. [...]

The Guardian: An Anatolian Shepherd Overview

The Anatolian Shepherd was bred to be the guardian over the livestock and watch the grounds around for potential dangers. The breeding of these dogs for work has made them a typical work dog that does not have a desire to play. Even as a puppy, the Anatolian Shepherd will remain alert and watchful of everything going on around them. They will not be overly friendly, which makes them a nice pet for someone looking for companionship with little need for playtimes. The large dog breed will warm up to a new owner and become a very lovable dog. [...]

The Unique Personality of the Anatolian Shepherd

The personality of the Anatolian Shepherd is unique as they are guardians of the flock. You as their owner are considered their flock and take pride in protecting you. However, the Anatolian is a stubborn dog with territorial instincts. If early training is not received to control temperament and personalities that are natural to the breed, they can become a dominant dog with an obstinate personality. [...]

Understanding The Anatolian Shepherds

The Anatolian Shepherd is a smart dog, which makes them the ideal working dog. They are the guardians of the flock. They can and will show affection to their owners and the family as long as they are cared for properly. This breed of dog has energy and will stand guard over its territory rather than run around. This is what makes so them so valuable to farmers everywhere. They will serve and protect the flock without concern for their own safety. [...]

The Beauceron as a Family Dog

The Beauceron can be an important addition to your family if you know how to integrate him properly. It is important to be patient. Your diligence and patience will have positive and lasting results! [...]

Puppy Behavior of the Belgian Malinois

The Belgian Malinois is a terrific pet. Whether you are using him as a home companion, a working dog, a police dog, or a personal protection dog, if you have enough time to train the dog, you will greatly enjoy the breed. Of course there are a few things about the Belgian Malinois that should be considered, especially when a potential owner is deciding whether or not he or she has the time or experience to raise and train this breed. [...]

Your Children and Your Belgian Malinois

The Belgian Malinois is very good with children. Of course, as with any breed of dog, the Belgian Malinois has to be introduced to the children at a young age, and then very carefully in order to ensure the bond and understanding is created. The dog will often grow to love the children and protect them, as the Belgian Malinois is a protection breed. The dog will play with the children, too, and will respect them as being higher in the "pack" if the dog has been properly socialized from an early age. [...]

The Wire Fox Terrier: Is This The Dog for You?

The Wire Fox Terrier, although bred to chase foxes, is a very loyal, intelligent, and loving pet. Many homes have this wonderful dog as a member of their household. If you are contemplating getting a Wire Fox Terrier for a family pet, you should be aware of their high energy level and tendency to get into things, whether they are puppies or adult dogs. As a puppy, they are cute little bundles of joy that are friendly and very active. They love chasing balls and playing Frisbee and digging. As they grow up, they don't really change much except that they are now bigger. [...]

Are Brussels Griffons Good Family Dogs?

Before you adopt a Brussels Griffon puppy, you need to look at the dog's personality to see if he will work for your specific living situation. One of the most important parts about your living situation that will greatly affect any dog, especially a Brussels Griffon, is whether or not you have a family with small children. While a Brussels Griffon may seem like the perfect, tiny, family dog, he is not a good match for young families, no matter how early the children are introduced to him or how careful they are around him. [...]

Choosing a Toy Manchester for the Family

The Toy Manchester Terrier would not make a great pet for everyone so it is important for families to not only evaluate themselves but also understand the basic characteristics of the Toy Manchester. As a family, do you have an active lifestyle full of outdoor activities or are you more of the housebound, indoor type? Do you have patience and a sense of humor with the need to give love and feel love? If so, then you are probably a great candidate for a Toy Manchester Terrier. [...]

Psych Profile of the Toy Manchester Terrier

A Toy Manchester Terrier is not a dog that will sit idly by enjoying the presence of his human. Rather, this Manchester has a mind of its own and likes to exercise it regularly. They are intelligent and a bit high strung and while obedience training can curb some of that, you can still expect some of that excessive kinetic energy to shine through. There are a lot of adjectives used to describe the Toy Manchester Terrier such as stubborn, feisty, tenacious, independent, bossy and active. Many of them have a vibrant disposition which takes a special owner to appreciate as they do not quite fit the stereotype of "man's best friend." While they are devoted to their families, they show this devotion in excited ways. [...]

Cairn Terriers and Families

Cairn Terriers are probably the most lively dog breed among all terriers. It is quick to bark and even quicker to give chase. If there is one word that can best describe Cairn Terriers that will be "scrappy," for they certainly are. They are little dynamos that love to stretch their little legs by running and bounding over large tracks of play areas. [...]

The Loyalty of a St. Bernard: Your Great Big Buddy

St. Bernards have a lot of wonderful characteristics. They are great family dogs, and are tolerant of other pets. They are fun dogs, and are very friendly. They love to do whatever their owner is doing, so they are terrific companions. They are happy going for a walk with you, or just sitting on the couch and reading with you. But the best part about the St. Bernard dog breed is their loyalty. These dogs are exceptionally loyal to their masters, and will even defend them if they are being threatened. This is not to say that St. Bernards are aggressive - far from it. Rather, the St. Bernard's loyalty for his family and his master will supercede his natural wiring as a docile animal. This is very unusual for such a temperament, and it is one of the most remarkable characteristics of the St. Bernard. [...]

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