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Irish Terriers

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Irish Terrier Articles

Making Your Irish Terrier the Perfect Family Pet

Irish Terriers can be great family pets. Their small size and intelligence make them well suited to being family pets. In addition, they love to play, so they are great companions for children. However, Irish Terriers have some very noticeable characteristics to their behavior that owners should be prepared to deal with in order to enjoy the most benefit from owning an Irish Terrier. [...]

The Importance of Obedience Training to the Irish Terrier

Irish Terriers can make wonderful pets for singles or families. They are intelligent dogs that are loyal and affectionate with their owners and that make fun and playful companions. However, Irish Terriers require more obedience training than some other breeds. [...]

The Irish Terrier as a Companion to the Elderly

If you’re looking for a companion dog for an older person, an Irish Terrier is a wonderful choice in breed. The Irish Terrier is not a well known dog in the United States, but is popular in Europe and is gaining popularity here, too. They are one of the best suited breeds for the elderly, so long as they are properly trained and properly handled by their owners. [...]

Taming the Irish Terrier’s Willful Nature

Irish terriers were bred to be hunting dogs, and their instincts tell them to chase things, and to dig their heels in and fight when faced with conflict. Terriers in general have a tendency to have a bit of a “bossy” nature and are quite happy to be in charge of the household. Let run amuck, a terrier can be a nightmare of a pet. Irish terriers, in particular, can be very stubborn and have been known to be very aggressive with small animals like cats. They have even been known to be aggressive with dogs double their size and even with children who might inadvertently step on a paw or play a bit rough. They have a tendency to flee when left off leash and are prone to chasing cars. [...]

A Comparison of Terriers

Terriers come in many varieties. The terrier breeds were created as hunters of vermin and other small animals. Over time, many different variations of the terrier developed and today there are more than 40 variations of terriers, as listed by the American Kennel Club. However, not all of these breeds are terriers in the true sense of the word. And, some true terrier breeds are not classified as terriers in the AKC. [...]

The Benefits of the Irish Terrier's Hunting Instincts

Irish terriers were originally bred to be fox hunting dogs. Today, however, these dogs are mostly used as companion dogs. They are well suited to families, provided they are trained consistently and at a young age to tame the terrier’s natural daredevil and strong willed nature. Though most people do not hunt with their Irish terriers today, some of the natural instincts that this breed carries can be quite beneficial in a family pet. If you properly understand and use these tendencies, you can bring out the best in your Irish terrier. [...]

Showing Your Irish Terrier

Irish terriers often excel in the show ring. They are intelligent and possess a demeanor and personality that makes them immediately loved by judges. If you’d like to show your Irish terrier, you’re quite likely to be successful, but your dog will require some training to get him ready for the show ring. [...]

The Irish Terrier as a Hunting Dog

Most Irish terrier owners in the United States own their dogs as companions. Irish terriers make great watchdogs and good family pets, so long as they are properly trained. However, the Irish terrier was bred to be a small hunting dog, and is still one of the best breeds you can use for hunting small prey. [...]

The Irish Terrier in Obedience and Agility Competition

If you’d like to pursue some form of dog competition with your Irish terrier, obedience competitions and agility competitions are great choices. Irish terriers are athletic and intelligent, giving them the ability to excel in either filed of competition. [...]

Weird Facts/Did You Know? - Irish Terrier

The Irish Terrier is a very popular breed in many parts of Europe, but they are less popular in the US. The Irish terrier is a medium sized terrier breed that was originally bred as a hunting dog, like so many other varieties of terrier. Following are some interesting facts about the Irish Terrier. [...]

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