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The Ibizan Hound: Not Just Another Hound Dog

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1.5 of 5 Paws Rating
Tags: Ibizan Hound, Behavior, Origin

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Among the many breeds of hound dogs, there is really one that people can consider as a cut above the rest, and this is the Ibizan Hound. Besides being a dog of ancient nobility, the Ibizan Hound has a unique appearance that sets it apart from other hound dogs, as evidenced in its large ears and light pigmentation. While hound dogs can really be seen as hunting dogs because of their traits and gaits, the Ibizan hound is different. It has the elegance of a deer and the power of an aggressive hunter that makes it quite lithe and racy.

Like most sporting hounds, the Ibizan Hound was specifically bred for hunting. Its history can be traced back to a thousand years ago. The Ibizan does not appear as heavily-muscled as other hound dogs, but it may be stronger and more capable as a hunter. It is also said that this dog has no equal when it comes to agility and jumping. The Ibizan is well known for its exceptional ability to jump to great heights from standing position.

Unlike other hound dogs that may appear ungainly because of their basic structures, the build of the Ibizan Hound, which is termed as moderately angulated, enables it to twirl and leap as gracefully as a human dancer. It is also because of this flexibility in movement that an Ibizan Hound is able to run after its prey over the roughest of terrains. It is so dexterous that it can change directions in mid-air.

While majority of other hounds usually hunt for their preys through sight or smell, the Ibizan Hound uses scent, sight, as well as sound to find its quarry. Its instincts in finding a prey are quite intrinsic and finely-enhanced, but it does have a tendency to be playful. However, with training that is fun and full of enthusiasm, an Ibizan Hound can be turned into a most effective hunter.

An Ibizan Hound is gentle and affectionate, which makes it different from other hounds that do not like persistent embraces and cuddles. Although it is a very energetic dog, it can be equally contented as a couch potato. But to maintain a healthy Ibizan Hound, you will need to exercise it regularly. The Ibizan is probably the only hound that is perfect as a family pet, because it can be comfortable both indoors and outdoors.

So, if you are thinking that the Ibizan Hound is just another hound dog, now you know otherwise. Though it is classified as a hound dog, it is actually more than that. The Ibizan Hound has a combination of strength and beauty that is quite rare among dogs, and it will certainly make you a proud owner.

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The Ibizan Hound: Not Just Another Hound Dog
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