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For Sale

Fluppy Dogs

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0.5 of 5 Paws Rating
Tags: Puli, Famous

Champion Sired English Bulldog Puppie…


$1800 and up



The unique, aesthetically pleasing look of the Puli afforded the breed the opportunity to have "Fluppy Dogs", a line of children's toys, designed after its features, accompanied by an hour long animated television special on the Disney Channel in 1986. Although the special had been intended as a pilot for a possible series, it wasn't picked up for further episodes.

The original Fluppies design was nearly identical to their real life counterpart breed, using thick yarn for hair and being proportioned appropriately. Other than their plush, cartoony build, the only major difference was their striking pastel colors, lending them a more cheerful, cartoon-friendly look.

The storyline involved the Fluppies travelling between alternate universes until being stranded on Earth and mistaken for normal dogs (admittedly, kind of a stretch, given their color and ability to speak and walk on their hind legs). The main characters were easily identified by their bold colors and strong personalities. Stanley the Blue was the smart, loyal one, Tippi the Pink was the warm hearted, loving one, Bink the Yellow was shy, Dink the Red was playful, but the strongest presence of the characters may have been Ozzie the Green. Voiced by cult favorite, the late Lorenzo Music, Ozzie was the cool dude of the team. Lorenzo Music was best known for lending his voice to the title character in the Garfield animated series, but was also known for voicing Peter Venkman, the Bill Murray character in the animated Ghostbusters series thanks to their similar voices. Ironically, Bill Murray return the favor years later, filling Music's shoes voicing Garfield in the live action film.

The toys, children's books and coloring books based on the characters had already been marketed specifically towards a young girl demographic (given the line's cuddly, colorful aesthetic), but the animated special took the concept in a less girl-specific direction. The characters made mild waves in children's programming and toys, but sadly, it seems to have been this lack of a unified vision that may have cursed the franchise to obscurity. Not to mention that, with GI Joe, Jem and the Holograms, Transformers, Masters of the Universe and its sister-series, She-Ra Princess of Power all having peaked in popularity around the time, the mid nineteen eighties was considered a sort of golden age for toy lines and their cartoon series tie-ins, so Fluppies came out in a competitive market against some stiff competition.

Regardless of their merely modest success, the fact that Fluppies were made from fun, colorful designs and were given distinct personalities has led to their still having a small cult following, so thankfully, Fluppy videos and dolls can still be found at affordable prices for anyone with an eBay account.

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