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For Sale

Determining If A Basset Hound Is The Best Pet For You

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Tags: Basset Hound, Feeding, Grooming, Playtime

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Gap, PA

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There are plenty of things that factor into the decision of what kind of dog to get. Each breed has its own idiosyncrasies that should be taken into account before any decision is made. If you're thinking of a basset hound you should know about how much he eats, the ins and outs of grooming, and how he will fit into your lifestyle. Every individual dog is different but let's look at some trends.

Is Your Dog On A Diet?

As adults, basset hounds tend to eat somewhere in the vicinity of two to four cups of food each day. As a breed they tend to be overweight either because of overfeeding or because of their habit of stealing any food that is left out on counters or any reachable surface. Most basset hound owners would agree that almost any surface is a reachable surface once the basset hound catches a scent of the food on it. Being overweight poses serious health risks to dogs so if you choose to get this type then you need to monitor his weight and his diet to make sure he stays healthy.

Are Basset Hounds Low Maintenance?

The good thing is that basset hounds don't require excessive care to maintain a healthy coat. The basset hound is covered in a short, hard coat that can remain rather clean on its own because it does not pick up or hold onto excess dirt like the coats of some breeds. It is so effective that your basset hound will only need actual baths on occasion. Firm rubdowns between baths will usually remove most of the dirt from his coat and leave it looking shiny and healthy. You should clean out his ears weekly because of their tendency to hold onto dirt and moisture. In addition, nails should be trimmed every few weeks so that your basset hound doesn't develop any foot problems or experience difficulty walking. You have to brush his teeth too. When you're not taking care of his hygienic needs, it's good to know what interests you will have in common.

What Do You Like To Do For Fun?

Basset hounds have short legs. If you want a dog to swim with then this may not be the dog for you or at least not the one you'll take with you on those morning swims. Other than that, they love to be physically active and can benefit greatly from physical exercise. In fact, their overall health depends on it in the same way that humans depend on exercise to stay healthy and in shape. They make great exercise partners.

Basset hounds have many positive attributes, but you should do research before getting one. The basics that we've learned include food consumption, grooming and hygiene, and activity level. When getting a dog, the right fit can make all the difference.

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Determining If A Basset Hound Is The Best Pet For You
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