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Obedience Training for Your Dandie Dinmont Terrier

Even with their calm nature, you want to make sure you take the time for obedience training for your Dandie. Because each dog is different, you want to make certain that you train your dog to suit your lifestyle. Since they can sometimes be wary of strangers, you want to make sure you teach them how to react to strangers, especially if you tend to have a great many visitors. [...]

Underground Earthdog Testing

Because of the small size of a Dandie Dinmont Terrier, they are quite capable of being successful in underground earthdog testing. The tests are conducted as non-competitive trials in order to assess the hunting ability of an individual dog during the performance of an underground hunting expedition. Owners don't have to be concerned with their dogs being in danger as the encounters are controlled. [...]

The Rottweiler, A Good Family Dog?

When you think of the Rottweiler, more often than not you tend to picture a fierce, confident guarding dog. A chunky, strong and often aggressive breed, the breed has certainly been given a lot of bad press over the last few years. However is this negative image really deserved or is there more to the Rottweiler than meets the eye? [h]Protecting the Family[/h] Contrary to popular belief, the Rottweiler is not actually as bad as what people make out. Yes it has the ability to be overly aggressive and to be a superb guarding dog, but on the other hand the Rottweiler can also make an excellent pet. [...]

English Springer Spaniels And Behavior Training

Sit. Stay. Fetch. English Springer Spaniels can and will learn these commands. Owners just need to learn proper training techniques. In general, the breed is obedient and eager to please. They love praise and want to make their owners happy. It is important to begin training early on. Training classes are a good idea. Before enrolling your dog, make sure you are comfortable with the trainer's methods. Most trainers use positive reinforcement. This is the best way to get an English Springer Spaniel to perform as desired. [...]

Training the Finnish Spitz to hunt

Finnish Spitz are an active and lively breed of dogs and can be trained to be the perfect pets as well hunting dogs. [...]

Papillon Treatment

The only commonly reported problem with the Papillon, in regards to temperament, would be the breed's slight tendency towards timidness. In training, this timidness can make housebreaking a bit of a challenge, though far from an insurmountable one. Of course, unless this is countered early on, the Papillon will sometimes opt to mark spots of the house as their personal territory. This is definitely a setback, as the breed really is not capable of living a healthy life as an outside dog and absolutely must be housebroken for the sake of the owner's peace of mind. Luckily, this is the only common major hurdle in training the breed and most trainers will be able to stop the problem in its tracks without too much extra hassle. [...]

The German Shorthaired Pointer as a Watchdog

Many hunting dogs have taken on multiple roles in the lives of their owners and one of the more important roles is that of guardian. The natural hunting instinct transfers quite well into the realm of the watchdog and German Shorthaired Pointers are no different. It also helps that the hunting dog is bred to work closely and develop a tight, long-lasting bond with his owner and family. This spurs the dog to instinctly protect his humans, though thankfully most hunting dogs do not (or at least should not) display direct, active aggression towards humans. Another point in favor of the hunting dog is its intelligence; with a little skillful training, these dogs can be taught how to be effective watchdogs rather than barking unnecessarily all day at the slightest of sounds. [...]

The German Shorthaired Pointer's Hunting Instinct - The Versatile Gun Dog

While people today are used to the sight of a dog performing a number of different tasks, like watchdog, therapy dog, companion, and participant in a number of organized canine competitions, among other things, dogs were not always seen as such versatile animals. This was especially true regarding the hunting dog, a prized possession for pre-19th century nobility, who counted their dogs among their vast wealth. Indeed, in Europe hunting became viewed as a sport only for the wealthy, who essentially owned all the land and so were the only ones to have the right to hunt on any given patch of land. [...]

Obedience Training Great Swiss Mountain Dogs

Great Swiss Mountain Dogs are among the breeds recognized as being receptive to obedience training. They are great family pets as well as being good guard dogs, search and rescue animals, therapy dogs, and valuable work and draft animals. Every single one of these fields demonstrate much more clearly than anything else could, the fact that Great Swiss Mountain Dogs are easily trained and obedient. [...]

Great Swiss Mountain Dogs as Tracking Dogs

Great Swiss Mountain Dogs have many attributes that make them a tremendous asset as tracking dogs. One of the many stories attributed to a Great Swiss Mountain Dog was one in which a farmer loaded up his cart with his wares and was about to go on his regular route to make deliveries, when he began to feel ill and went inside to rest, leaving his dog hitched to the cart. After having been ill that whole day, when he went outside that evening, he found his cart empty, and later was able to ascertain that his dog had realized it was time to make deliveries, had pulled the wagon the regular route, and allowed the farmer's customers to take their orders from the wagon. [...]

Great Swiss Mountain Dogs Work As Therapy Dogs

Though the rarity of the breed of Great Swiss Mountain Dogs makes it difficult to gain great quantities of data on the breed, the consistency and quality of the breed's work as therapy dogs leads one to believe that this breed of dog is very adept as therapy dogs. One facet of the personality of the breed of Great Swiss Mountain Dog that makes them valuable as therapy dogs is their very highly trainable natures. Being high energy animals whose tendency is to be dominant, active, and inquisitive, one might think they were not readily trainable, but the opposite appears to be true. [...]

The Versatility of Great Swiss Mountain Dogs

From classic work dogs used as draft animals, farm laborers, search and rescue animals, and therapy dogs, to their natural ability as guard dogs and their innate tendency to be loyal and reliable family pets, Great Swiss Mountain Dogs are among the most versatile members of the canine family. This rare, but ancient breed of dog is thought to be responsible for the genetics in several more prominent breeds of dog such as the Mastiff and Rottweiler, and though this breed of dog is much more rare at the present time, they have been used as work animals for generation upon generation. [...]

What Not to Expect from a Neapolitan Mastiff

When properly cared for, the Neapolitan Mastiff is a docile and intelligent breed. These are bonus characteristics for a dog whose brute strength could otherwise be very dangerous. As the Neo is a unique type of canine, its owner should be of a distinctive character as well. Level headed and with a good sense of self, the responsible owner is one that knows he or she will always need to be one step ahead of their dog. This, along with good training and socialization, is what creates a happy, healthy environment for the Neapolitan Mastiff. It is those who venture into this breed without any forethought that will likely end up becoming overwhelmed and intimidated; and the Neo, in search of boundaries that make it feel safe, will likely end up running the show. [...]

The Importance of Obedience Training to the Irish Terrier

Irish Terriers can make wonderful pets for singles or families. They are intelligent dogs that are loyal and affectionate with their owners and that make fun and playful companions. However, Irish Terriers require more obedience training than some other breeds. [...]

Taming the Irish Terrier's Willful Nature

Irish terriers were bred to be hunting dogs, and their instincts tell them to chase things, and to dig their heels in and fight when faced with conflict. Terriers in general have a tendency to have a bit of a "bossy" nature and are quite happy to be in charge of the household. Let run amuck, a terrier can be a nightmare of a pet. Irish terriers, in particular, can be very stubborn and have been known to be very aggressive with small animals like cats. They have even been known to be aggressive with dogs double their size and even with children who might inadvertently step on a paw or play a bit rough. They have a tendency to flee when left off leash and are prone to chasing cars. [...]

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