Retinal folds
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Retinal Folds

Retinal Folds: An Ocular Abnormality You Should Be Aware Of

The retina is a structure in the back of the eye. It is responsible for receiving light through the lens and converting it into electric signals that can be transmitted to the brain and perceived as sensory data. It is quite a complex instrument, and as such, malformations can occur during its development. These are rare problems, but certain factors such as the breed of your dog and certain matters of heredity can affect the likelihood of contracting them.Retinal dysplasia is a disorder that occurs when the two layers of the retina do not form together in the correct manner during the formation of the fetus. In its mildest form, this causes light accordion-style folding to occur on the inner layer of the retina, which are called "retinal folds". This disorder is not progressive, which means that whatever degree of severity a puppy possesses at birth is as severe as the disease will ever get. [...]

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