ununited anconeal process
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Ununited Anconeal Process

Ununited Anconeal Process Is Not Always Debilitating

Ununited anconeal process is a form of elbow dysplasia that is inherited. This condition is present at birth and can range in severity from mild and relatively unnoticeable to a severe impairment in the dog's ability to move. In some cases ununited anconeal process is very painful on an ongoing basis for the puppy or dog, while in others the pain seems minimal and may only flare up if the dog is exercised more than usually or has been relaxed for a long period of time and then suddenly gets up to move.Ununited anconeal process is inherited by a polygenetic factor, which means that more than one gene combination causes the condition. This complicates the ability to simply breed out the condition within a line or breed since there are many different genes that could be involved. [...]

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