Growing pains
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Growing Pains

Growing Pains In Large And Giant Breeds

Growing pains are normal in any type of mammal and occur where there are growth spurts or rapid development in the long bones of the skeleton. In dogs this is typically in the front leg or humerus bones or the hind leg tibia or femur bones. While some growing pains are to be expected, especially since the giant and large breeds of dogs mature and grow so rapidly, there are also several different conditions that can occur that are serious medical conditions and are not average growth related issues.One of the most common of these growing pain disorders is known as Panosteitis. This condition is noted by intermittent lameness in all the legs or just in the front or back legs, sometimes at different times or occasionally in all four legs at the same time. The greatest problem is that the condition will come and go, sometimes lasting only a few days or even up to two or more weeks. [...]

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