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Types of Charity Dog Walks

Topic: Dog Walks Etc

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There are a great number of charity dog walks that are organized and completed around the world each and every year. It is likely that these walks have become so popular for several very good reasons. Some of the more popular reasons are because they are relatively low in organizational requirements, they are held outdoors in most cases and the people that participate in the walks tend to be an easy group to work with overall.

Another key factor for the success of most charity dog walks is that they tend to be less competitive than some of the other charity sporting events including tournaments, races or even relays. People of all different fitness levels with all different types of dog have to opportunity to just get out and enjoy some fresh air while earning money for a cause that they feel passionate about.

Many charity dog walks encourage participants to collect pledges or donations based on either how far they walk or a flat rate for completing the event. This means that individual sponsors of the walkers donate to the walker, then he or she submits the pledge sheets or the funds directly to the organizing committee prior to the charity dog walk. Often this is the most popular type of dog walk since it allows different people to sponsor at a level that is comfortable for them. The actual dog and owners combination has to typically collect a minimum amount of pledges or funds to be able to participate in the walk. Often these limits or requirements vary depending on the individual charity or even on the category of walk the dog and owner are completing.

The other option that some organizers prefer is to simply charge a flat entrance fee for the dogs and their owners and then contributing this fee to the charity. This certainly makes the event easier to organize plus it prevents the walkers from having to collect sponsors and pledges, handle the money, and meet the minimum requirements. Often the entrance fees for the event are based on several factors and may vary based on the length of the walk, the age of the walkers or even if the dog and walker are in the competitive or non-competitive section of the walk.

Many charity dog walks are designed around a theme. This can be developed by the charity itself or by the organizers of the event. Often corporate sponsors will provide decorations, entertainment and even food and beverages all in keeping with the theme. A good example of this is the pink ribbon campaign that is used on many breast cancer charity dog walks, runs and community events. Walkers and their dogs are encouraged to wear at least the pink ribbon but also to wear as much pink as possible. This may include pink bandanas or even doggy t-shirts for the four legged walkers as well as pink t-shirts or caps for the two legged ones.

Other options for charity dog walks may include specific international days or weeks that have been set aside for a particular type of charity. Awareness campaigns for everything from domestic violence prevention through to promoting dog vaccinations and environmental awareness are all excellent opportunities to get dog owners involved in worthwhile causes.

Some charity dog walks may even encourage dogs and their owners to be creative in their appearance or even to come in costume. These events can be a terrific way to attract both spectators and participants to the charity event as well as media attention. Prizes may be donated by sponsors for the best costume, silliest matching costume or even the most unique and original costume. This type of event is often the most popular with kids that love to see all the dogs and their owners all decked out in weird and wacky clothes and accessories.

Typically most charity dog walks are very informal events and there are few rules or expectations for owners and their pets. It is important to take the time to review any rules of either the organizers or the location in which the dog walk is being held. By ensuring that you are following all rules and guidelines you can be assured that you will enjoy the event without having any problems.

One of the most obvious rules that most charity walks that involve large groups of various types and breeds of dogs is that all pets on the walk have to be either spayed or neutered animals. This prevents a lot of the issues with dog aggression that can quickly spoil a wonderful day. Another rule most charity walks also have is that dogs that are not under their owners control or dogs that are aggressive have to be removed from the walk. This is not an attempt to limit the types of dogs on the walk but rather to make it safe and positive for everyone. Remember that most of the dogs are very family friendly outings and often very young children will be present, so aggressive dogs may not just be a problem for other dogs but rather families as well.

A popular event for raising money for a dog park, off-leash area or even walking paths that are specifically for dogs and their owners, these types of charity dog walks may involve each participant making a donation. In this way the people that use the park or area and are likely to use it in the future can band together and raise money as a group rather than trying to do it as an individual. Again this can be a terrific way to get media attention to your project as well as contribute back to the community.

For many organizations a charity dog walk is rather a new idea and it may take some dedicated dog owners or even a breed club to approach the charity to get the ball rolling. Since it is something new in many places, it is often a very well received and highly popular way to raise money, all for a great cause.

Other articles under "Dog Walks Etc"

Article 1 - "Organizing A Charity Dog Walk"
Article 2 - "Types of Charity Dog Walks"
Article 3 - "Walk and Roll Events"
Article 6 - "Dog Walks For Dogs In Need"

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Types of Charity Dog Walks
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