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Walk and Roll Events

Topic: Dog Walks Etc

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Akc/iccf Cane Corso



Elizabethtown , KY


There are many different ways that dogs are used to help people that have some type of physical or movement problems. These dogs, known as assistance dogs, may be used to help owners pick up objects, help with providing bracing for owners to be able to stand or sit with assistance from the dog as well as help with general movement and mobility. Some dogs are trained to get help if the owner is experiencing an emergency while still others learn to pull a wheelchair or even open and close doors, drawers and cupboards to help owners stay as independent as possible. These dogs are truly amazing and become a real friend and trusted companion to their owners.

Most of the assistance dogs are trained through different private programs by volunteers or even, in some states, by inmates of state prisons. In these prison training programs inmates are carefully selected and monitored by professional trainers to learn the basics of socialization and obedience so they can be trained as assistance dogs. These programs do wonders both for the dogs as well as the inmates, plus the cost of training an assistance dog is somewhat reduced through these programs.

It is estimated that the cost to train one assistance dog from a puppy to ready for placement is approximately $20,000. In addition the puppies and young dogs will be in training programs for up to 18 months before they are sufficiently reliable and calm enough to work with their new owners. This intensive training and long term housing of these dogs can be very costly, so many centers rely on charity events such as Walk and Roll Charity Dog Walks to help offset the cost of providing these invaluable service dogs to people that need them. Often these assistance or service training programs are in desperate need of financial contributions as well as supplies and volunteers to expand and increase the number of dogs they can provide per year. Since the training is so intense there is always a long waiting list of individuals that are in need of a trained service or assistance dog.

Walk and Roll Dog charity events are held in different cities across the United States. Perhaps the biggest event is held annually in Tempe, Arizona and has had as many as six hundred dogs and their owners show up for the walk. There are many different options for dogs and their owners, and of course many of the individuals that currently have service or assistance dogs come out to show their support and walk the route around Tempe Beach Park. This walk is now an annual event with a fun day of activities, demonstrations and speakers in addition to the actual walk itself. The whole community gets behind the program and shows their support for the assistance dog training program and the valuable service they provide.

These types of charity walks are a wonderful way for the dog lovers in the community to also see how different non-profit agencies such as the assistance dog training programs operate. Many people may not even be aware of the training program or the valuable and much loved dogs they provide to individuals with special needs right within their own community. Typically aside from the actual charity walk these organizations also gladly accept donations of dog food, dog toys, bedding and supplies as well as grooming tools and almost anything else you can think of related to keeping dogs.

Most Walk and Roll dog charity events will highlight the skills of their canine stars. This may include having demonstrations from the trainers with regards to what the service dogs can do, but also general canine demonstrations of what other dogs have been trained to do. These demonstrations can include Flyball competitions and events, dog freestyle dance competitions, Frisbee team events with dogs or even tricks and herding or tracking demonstrations. Making a full day event out of the Walk and Roll Dog Walk is sure to attract a lot more participants plus it will soon become a much looked forward to event in the community.

The demonstrations and exhibitions during the walk tend to attract new people to the charity walk events. In addition they provide the spectators and participates a different look at some of the spectacular and truly amazing feats that many dogs are trained to do. Some of the events are held around the time of major dog shows or competitions to highlight both groups and provide mutual participation in events. Dog clubs, trainers and even individuals with dogs with unique tricks and skills can all be encouraged to have a display or to set up a booth or information table in the common meeting area or at the end point in the walk.

Most Walk And Roll Dog Charity walks are held in handicap accessible areas and parks and tend to have many different types of facilities to accommodate a wide range of participants. Some of the events have an shorter and longer course and some even have different groups that you can walk in. These groups may be from a particular company or corporate sponsorship or they can be designed for small, medium or large breeds of dogs. The goal of most of these events is to first raise money for training and providing assistance dogs but also as a very close second to promote an understanding of dogs within the community.

If you aren't sure if there is a Walk and Roll Charity event in your location you may need to contact a local trainer or an assistance or service dog training organization in your general area. Typically these agencies will be more than happy to help organize or advertise an event, however it does take someone to be responsible for the coordination and development of the fundraiser. Speaking with different service and community groups may also provide you with both ideas as well as partners in getting a Walk and Roll event organized.

Other articles under "Dog Walks Etc"

Article 1 - "Organizing A Charity Dog Walk"
Article 2 - "Types of Charity Dog Walks"
Article 3 - "Walk and Roll Events"
Article 6 - "Dog Walks For Dogs In Need"

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