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Is the Irish Water Spaniel Good for People with Allergies?

The Irish Water Spaniel has a very distinctive look. Its tightly curled coat, its mop head and its naked looking tail makes it resemble a mismatch of different dog breed parts. However, that conspicuous coat is also quite attractive to dog lovers who cannot tolerate fur shedding because they are prone to suffer from allergic reactions. The Irish Water Spaniel's coat does not have the tendency to shed. This means that despite its rich body hair, it does not cause pet allergy. [...]

Pets for People with Allergies

Of the millions of people across the country, approximately fifteen percent are allergic to animals, namely dogs and cats. Even so, many of these people with allergies chose to get a dog or cat, replace one after it died or keep the pet they already had although advised by their physician to give the animal up. Many people feel that allergies to their pets are a minor inconvenience compared to the joy and companionship of owning one. If you are considering getting a dog, but suffer from a pet allergy, become as knowledgeable about allergies as possible and learn about practical ways to manage your allergies so you can experience of pleasure of having a dog. [...]

The Trials and Tribulations Of Skin Allergies In Dogs

One of the most frustrating issues with treating dogs with skin allergies is trying to determine exactly what is the source of the irritation, known as the allergen. For many dogs it is fleas, well not exactly the fleas themselves but the saliva they secrete as they bite and feed off the dog. There are many different allergens in flea saliva and these are considered to be some of the most problematic conditions for dogs as they are so concentrated even a single bite can cause irritation across a large part of the dog's skin. Food allergies are also very problematic for many dogs. Often these allergies are to gluten or wheat products in the food but they can also be from corn, preservatives and even flavorings and colorings used in the food. Since most commercially produced dog foods have the same ingredients, owners may need to go to a BARF or bones and raw foods or other natural type diet to eliminate the problematic ingredients from the dog's food. [...]

Vaccine Sensitive

The traditional practice of prevention and good health in your cat has always included annual vaccinations and booster shots. However, can a cat have too many vaccinations? What happens to cats that are vaccine sensitive? There is no doubt that scientific evidence show the benefits an immunized cat has to ward off such diseases as Feline Leukemia, Parvo, Feline Distemper, and more. Remember the old adage, "an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure." Of course you want to keep your cat healthy, free of disease, happy and in turn prolong his life. Vaccines save lives. There are fewer cases of Panleukopenia (Feline Distemper) among the feline population because of the wonders of vaccines. Nevertheless just as humans can be allergic to certain vaccines, so can felines. Vaccine sensitive cats can be allergic to any number of substances within a particular vaccine; antibodies, stabilizers and so forth. [...]

A Dog For People With Allergies

The PON is a longhaired mid-size breed dog. Technically, the fur does not shed and this is good for people with allergies. However, it does tend to pick up water, mud, leaves, and any other things that are outside the home. Since the PON must be exercised daily, if you have allergies, this dog should be kept away from any areas with weeds that might stick to the hair and be brought into the home. Other than that, the breed really doesn't shed, as such, the coat merely mats and needs to be groomed regularly to keep in good condition. [...]

The Welsh Terrier and Allergic Skin Conditions

Welsh Terriers are relatively healthy dogs, though they may be prone to allergic reactions; actually dogs in general tend to be highly susceptible to a variety of allergic reactions. And while people often get runny noses and watery eyes when suffering from allergies, dogs will develop skin problems. A dog suffering from allergies may display an unhealthy looking coat, either in texture or in length, he may obsessively scratch and chew at his itchy skin, or he may develop things called hot spots. [...]

Eye Drainage

Several conditions can lead to your cat having eye drainage. The cat will secrete anything from thin and watery, to thick and postulant, and from clear in color to yellowish or greenish. These conditions are caused by inflammation, infections, such as the flu and evasion of viruses. Sometimes it is caused by an inherited gene or a malfunction of the tear glands that cause eye drainage. The most common condition for the drainage of the eye is called runny eye. Certain breeds of cats are more prone to leaky eyes than others. [h]Causes[/h] [-]Runny eyes can be caused by the over production of tears. Tears are produced normally to keep the lining of the eye moist. The tears then flow into the tear ducts making their way into the nose. But if there is a problem, the tears will spill onto the face and that is how we determine a cat has runny eyes. [...]

Papillon and Allergies

With regards to allergies, the Papillon may not be the most vulnerable of all the available breeds of dog, certainly, they are not nearly as sensitive as such other toy breeds as the Hairless variety of the Chinese Crested, whose bare skin leaves them especially open to the possibility of developing allergies to wool, but they aren't amongst the least sensitive, either and regardless, any owner of any animal absolutely must not neglect the obligation to know about any potential allergies that their dog might suffer from. Furthermore, the owner should make sure to be on the lookout for signs of these allergies in their pet and to make sure to double check product ingredients and not commit to any pet products that contain these allergens unless they are absolutely certain that they will not be putting the dog's comfort or health at risk. [...]

Bedlington Terrier Ownership Myths

For the unfortunate individual who loves dogs but not the wheezing and the puffy eyes that come with allergies to pet dander, curly haired breeds like the Bedlington are usually a first choice. Dogs that have curly hair tend to shed less or not at all and require little in the way of grooming. However, while some individuals are allergic to dog hair, a majority of allergy sufferers are actually allergic to pet dander and dog saliva. The dander of an animal refers to the small flakes of dead skin that can get lodged in carpeting, furniture or bed linens. Because dogs often lick their fur, it is very easy to come in contact with their saliva. For these reasons, the Bedlington Terrier has been moved off of the allergy free list to being categorized as a low dander breed. [...]

Skin Injuries and Conditions

Just like human skin, skin on a dog can become infected, can develop rashes and lesions, and can also become dry, flaky and irritated. Sometimes the first sign of serious health conditions and diseases is noted in the skin and coat condition, so carefully examining the dog's skin during routine grooming is essential as an overall health check. A healthy dog's skin will be smooth and free from large amounts of dander or flaky dead skin, free from lesions or abrasions, have normal coloration and be elastic and healthy looking. Skin that is flaky, dry, does not snap back into place or has excessive moisture, hot areas or lesions is a sign of an unhealthy dog. [...]

Feeding Your Toy Fox Terrier and Food Allergies

Overall the Toy Fox Terrier is a very healthy breed and has few hereditary health problems that owners need to be concerned with. One problem that many Toy Fox Terriers have that can be problematic to owners is a sensitivity or allergic reaction to many products found in commercially prepared dog foods. Many Toy Fox Terrier are highly sensitive to corn, wheat and beet pulp that are some of the main ingredients in the top brands of dog foods either dry, canned or semi-moist. [...]

Selecting the right dog food

Everyone who knows dogs understands that these beloved companions need lots of training, attention and exercise. While this is certainly true, they also need good balanced nutrition as part of their daily care routine. When dogs and puppies don't get the right type of food they have many different health issues. These can range from serious digestive problems through to allergic reactions, weight loss or gain, poor dental health and sometimes even neurological and physiologic disorders. Feeding your dog the correct food is less about what brand you are buying and more about being able to correctly read and understand the label as well as what is basic in a dog's natural diet. It is important to buy good quality dog food, which are often going to be some of the better known brands, although it may not be the brands that are available at your local grocery store. Many of the best dog foods are sold only through farm and ranch supply stores, veterinary offices and even through kennels and dog training centers. Buying the best possible dog food also means that you will be spending more than you would for the common lower quality brands at the grocery store, but it also means your dog will be healthier and have fewer problems throughout their life. Feeding the right type of food will also help you pet to live as long as possible, so in reality it is a cost saving measure. [...]

Raw vs Dog Food

There are two distinct camps when you start asking dog owners, breeders, nutritionalists and even veterinarians what is the very best type of food to feed a domesticated pet dog. One group recommends a pre-made, high quality, nutritionally balanced food, typically dry or kibble, while the other group recommends a totally natural, raw food diet. There are pros and cons to each type of diet, but in reality both when fed correctly, are very healthy for a dog and also nutritionally sound. [...]

Switching Over To New Dog Foods

While it is always a good idea to keep your dog on a well-balanced dog food that is consistent over the life of the dog, there are some reasons why you may want or need to change foods. One of the biggest reasons includes switching your puppy from a puppy formula to an adult formula, or changing to a particular brand that you know is more nutritionally balanced for your dog. [...]

Inherited Immune Disorders

Immune disorders in dogs, as with any other type of animal or even in people, are often very difficult to diagnose. This is because they tend to only occur when another condition is present that actually triggers the immune disorder problem, or it masks the underlying immune problem. Working closely with your vet and keeping accurate records of any changes in your dog's condition during the treatment and afterwards is going to be essential in diagnosis and treatment. [...]

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