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The Best Toys for a Neapolitan Mastiff

The Neapolitan Mastiff is by no means an ordinary, average breed of dog. This typically means that nothing else about owning a Neo will be commonplace either. While they can be just as endearing as any other breed, everything in their environment must be sturdier and capable of withstanding their natural strength. This is especially true when it comes to toys. As with any dog, a bored Neo will be a destructive Neo. However, the run of the mill dog toy is no match for the powerful jaws of this brawny breed. Luckily, there are many new materials available that can hold up to even the most brutal abuse. These materials are typically non toxic, splinter proof and offer even the largest Neo hours of physical and mental stimulation. [...]

The Italian Greyhound and Favorite Pastimes

The Italian Greyhound is a lovable and very playful dog. They love romping around with the family and the kids. They participate in many events for shows and competitions, doing well in lure coursing, conformation, obedience and agility. They particularly enjoy competing in agility events. When they are not working, they love relaxing in as many ways as they can. The Italian Greyhound loves lounging on the couch or in bed with their master. If bed is where they choose to be, you will most likely find them under the covers cuddling next to you. They will wait patiently for you to pick the covers up so they can crawl underneath them, but if you don't, they will figure out how to sneak under by themselves. If it's not yet bedtime, you'll probably find them lying on the couch wherever their people are. As much as they love lying in bed under the covers, they are not the type of dog to go there on their own if you are on the couch. They love being where you are. [...]

Chewing and Biting Behaviors

Puppies will go through various stages in their growth where chewing and biting behaviors tend to be more or less common in all breeds. These are similar in many cases to the chewing and biting behaviors that human infants go through, especially around teething time. Small puppies will also go through a period of mouthing everything. This is part of their way to explore their environment and find out what is good to eat and what is not. While these stages are all normal, they can become problematic when the puppy starts to destroy the house, furniture, clothes and everything else he or she can get his or her mouth on. Biting becomes a more serious issue as often puppies biting is considered cute and even encouraged by unsuspecting owners, but a full grown dog, even a toy breed, can seriously injure a person through biting behaviors. [...]

Puppy Playtime

Without a doubt one of the most enjoyable aspects of having a puppy is the boundless energy and curiosity that they bring to the family. Making time to play with your puppy is probably the single most important aspect of helping your puppy become a well-adjusted, well-behaved dog. Playtime is when the puppy learns to trust their owners, when the bonding occurs and when the puppy learns how to interact with people. Puppies that are not played with and handled in positive and loving ways grow up to be aggressive or timid dogs, shy or very defensive and even vicious. Puppies that learn that people are kind, loving and safe will be calm, loving and social pets. [...]

Advanced Commands

Most owners like to have a few "nifty tricks" for their dog or puppy to do on command. It is important to get the obedience basics down first, but then it is a great idea to keep working with your dog to build up a repertoire of extra tricks to keep training exercises fun. There are endless additional tricks and routines that dog's can learn depending on their ability and interest. Matching the type of tricks you teach your dog with their characteristics and temperament is a sure way of making the trick easy and simple for the dog to learn. For example, teaching a terrier breed to bark on command (speak) is relatively simple since they tend to be very vocal dogs anyway. They are also very athletic and can easily be taught to sit up (beg) to get a treat. A large breed such as Great Dane has a very hard time balancing in the sit up position so this trick is likely not a good choice for this type of dog. [...]


For most dogs that live either inside a house or in a fenced area, boredom will be the biggest behavioral problem, especially when the family is not directly interacting with the dog. Just being in the area with the dog is not the same as interacting with the dog and this is an important consideration for dog owners to keep in mind. This will also depend very much on the breed as well as the individual dog's temperament and personality. Some breeds are very happy just finding a quiet corner to sit and observe the family, whereas others need to be in close contact with the family to be satisfied. This is why it is so important to learn about the requirements for the breed before choosing a dog, plus it is also important to watch the puppy or dog interact to learn about its own personality and how closely it matches the typical breed temperament. [...]

Indoor Exercise Facilities For Dogs

There are several different reasons why owners may want to consider taking advantage of indoor exercise facilities that are geared towards their pets. Not only are indoor facilities great to use year round, but they are also more likely to be appreciated by the humans in the family, providing motivation to actually get out and exercise. People and their dogs interacting provides a real bonding opportunity for the team as well as the obvious benefit of not having to worry about the weather and how you are going to find time to squeeze in a walk between rain or snow storms. [...]

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