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Canine Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: How to Become an Understanding Owner

Much like with humans, obsessive compulsive disorder in dogs is characterized by the uncontrollable repetition of bizarre, out of context behavior. This behavior can be literally anything and is directed either at other animals or humans or even at inanimate objects such as food dishes or a piece of furniture. In the least severe cases, your dog's disorder might manifest through something simple like pacing back and forth, or hiding in a particular spot for seemingly no reason. At other times, it can become more problematic such as when they begin to bark at "nothing" for hours at a time, or destroy your or other's property with no provocation. In the worst cases, your dog might cause serious problems by turning its frustration against itself. In many cases, this might manifest as destructive behavior such as the dog compulsively chewing on its own foot, resulting in infections and problematic lesions. [...]

The Border Collie And Obedience Performing

As a dog recognized for superior intelligence, athleticism and a strong work ethic, Border Collies are prime candidates for obedience training and competing. [...]

The Likes and Dislikes of Sealyham Terriers

Just like people, dogs also have their own likes and dislikes that owners must take note of. These preferences could somehow be seen as guidelines in taking care of a particular dog breed. If you are a new owner of a dog, then aside from knowing of your dog breed's temperament, you should also see to it that you know what it likes and what it does not like. This is if you want your life as a new dog owner to be convenient and fulfilling. [...]

Why the Dachshund Club of America Doesn't Want You to Go to the Races

All breeds of dog were created from existing stock to do something in particular. Just because we tend to keep them all as pets in post-modern times doesn't mean dogs have lived and worked with human beings for centuries. The dachshund was designed for one thing: going to ground. Whether that means hunting badgers, rabbits or whatever, it's what they do. [...]

How Would You Know if a Scottish Deerhound is the Best Dog for You?

A lot of thought should be poured into finding out which dog breed is best for you. If you are eyeing a Scottish Deerhound for a pet, then there are some things that you have to consider before you decide to get one. Knowing certain characteristics of the dog you want to own would make it easier for you to take care of it. First of all, if you are living in an apartment, then a Scottish Deerhound is definitely not the best dog breed for you. Although an adult Scottish Deerhound can cope with living in enclosed spaces if it is given sufficient exercise, a younger Deerhound will fare better in a home with a large yard. It would even be better if you are living in a ranch with acres of land, so you would have more room for your Scottish Deerhound to run and roam around. Because of its size, it is also advisable that your home is large enough to accommodate a Deerhound. You have to make sure that your yard or your land is fenced to ensure the safety of your pet. [...]

Curbing Fear-biting in Your Dachshund

Perhaps more than most breeds, an improperly socialized dachshund is more likely than not to develop a habit of fear biting that can make interacting with new people or dogs something to fear rather than look forward to. Often, owners don't even realize why their dog is so seemingly aggressive just before running away or rolling over in submission. It may very well be that your dog is in a constant state of high anxiety. [...]

Training Your Scottish Deerhound to Do Some Parlor Tricks

If you have a Scottish Deerhound as a pet, then one of the most important things that you should know is the dog's independent nature. This trait translates to its innate sense of pleasing only itself almost all the time and not its owner. A Scottish Deerhound is also basically stubborn in nature, making it one of the hardest dog breeds to train or housebreak. Because of this, it is no mean feat to try to teach your Scottish Deerhound some parlor tricks. If you want to attempt this near impossible feat to impress someone or to prove something to yourself, then you should be ready to take a long and challenging journey. [...]

Stretching the Field Spaniel

While there are people who are content to have a dog to cuddle, there are others who want to own dogs so they can show them off. Because of this, they subject their pets to intense training to enhance their innate skills and talents. One of the dog breeds that dog owners are proud to train is the Field Spaniel. The Field Spaniel is greatly admired as a beautiful and useful dog, and it has natural sporting instincts as well as tracking and hunting abilities which make it a very flexible dog. [...]

The Field Spaniel: The Stubborn Hunting Dog

There are now many hunting dog breeds available for dog lovers to choose from, especially those who are also fond of the game. While there are hunting dogs that hunt by sight, there are others that hunt by smell. There are those dogs that are best at retrieving their quarries while others are good at pointing to where their quarries are. There are some that are better at being setter dogs, which crouch near their preys, so that they won't escape. There also dogs which possess all these abilities and much more, making them perfect hunting dogs. Among all these different types of dogs, there is one breed of dog that makes use of its keen nose and exceptional hunting instincts to track down its quarry, and this is the Field Spaniel. [...]

Samoyed Training Issues

The Samoyed is a Northern breed, and among other things, this means that training them presents a unique challenge. This is not to say that the Samoyed is "difficult" to train; rather, they simply require a different approach than a dog who is more inclined to readily accept textbook training techniques than they are. Their willful and stubborn attitude has given many people the impression that Samoyeds are stupid. This couldn't be further from the truth! A Samoyed is a very highly intelligent dog and as such, any training regimen that you try to put them through had better appeal to their sense of curiosity and low threshold for boredom or else you're setting yourself up for failure. With a dog as intelligent as the Samoyed, variety is critical. Never focus on the same aspect of training for more than maybe half an hour at a time or you will simply exhaust the Samoyed's attention span and end up frustrating both yourself and your dog. Keep things exciting by teaching multiples tricks or commands at the same time and alternating between them throughout the course of a single training session. And remember, once it learns a command, the Samoyed will rarely forget. [...]

Appropriate Training Methods for the Saluki

Just when you thought you knew everything about different breeds of dogs, you hear of a dog that is so smart and resourceful, he can open the refrigerator as well as most types of kitchen doors. Does this dog need training? Yes, but he will need a special kind of training. You are not dealing with a dog that is not a typical dog. The Saluki is a dog that is almost like a human in some of his thinking. At least, he thinks he is almost human. The Saluki definitely needs training, but not all training methods work with this dog. The Saluki needs firmness and an owner that will show him who the boss is and what is acceptable behavior and what is not acceptable. The difference with this dog, however, is that they are very intelligent and intuitive animals that want to feel that they are in control of the situation. They will balk at learning something unless they feel it is in their best interest to learn it. [...]

German Wirehaired Pointer: Activities and Tricks It Can Do

The German Wirehaired Pointer is so full of energy and life that it takes a lot to tire it. The best owner for this breed is someone that is always on the go, and enjoys spending active time outdoors. But, if you are not someone who enjoys outdoor activities, there are ways for you to keep your German Wirehaired Pointer actively engaged. As a hunting dog, this breed is naturally obedient, and with consistent training, it can pick up just about anything, even dog tricks. [...]

German Wirehaired Pointer as Watch Dog

The German Wirehaired Pointer is a breed that is naturally standoffish with strangers. While in some instances this could cause a problem, it actually makes it an ideal watch dog. As a family pet, the German Wirehaired Pointer can be very protective and always looking out for danger. Bred as the ultimate hunting dog, the keen instincts of the German Wirehaired Pointer make it a natural watch dog. With proper training, those natural skills will make your pet an amazingly skilled watch dog. [...]

The Ibizan Hound: A Playful Learner

There is nothing as pleasing as a hound that would love to play and prance with its owner, showing affection while it is being trained to do something. You will be very lucky if you are able to find a dog that can be trained quite easily. If you have gotten yourself one of the dogs under the hound line, which are generally known to be quite resistant to training, you should be prepared for a challenging journey ahead. [...]

Teaching a Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever to Retrieve

It is important to teach your Nova Scotia duck tolling retriever puppy to retrieve downed game or ducks and deliver to hand, without him crushing or mangling the bird. Developing a duck tolling retriever this way is a matter of consistent training and conditioning. While some puppies have a natural tendency to retrieve and drop the object in your hand, others would rather drop the object at your feet or bolt and run around carrying their prize. Natural retrievers only need encouragement, making sure they do not pick up any inappropriate behavior, while puppies that drop items or run away with them require more repetitive, gentle training. You want to develop a Nova Scotia duck tolling retriever that always returns the bird to hand without damage. Your puppy must learn to hold an object and then release the object to your hand upon command, just as he had to learn the stay, down, or sit commands. [...]

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